Are the luxuries of this dunya for us?

ʿUmar (raḍiyallāhu ʿanhu) said when once visiting the Prophet ﷺ, “I sat down and cast a glance at the room, and by Allah, I couldn’t see anything of importance but three hides. I said [to Allah’s Messenger], ‘Pray to Allah to make your followers prosperous, for the Persians and the Romans have been made prosperous and given worldly luxuries, though they do not worship Allah.’ The Prophet ﷺ was leaning then, so he sat straight and said, ‘O Ibn al-Khaṭṭāb! Do you have any doubt [that the hereafter is better than this world]? These people have been given rewards of their deeds in this world only.’ So I asked the Prophet ﷺ to seek Allah’s forgiveness for me.” [Bukhārī (Book 46, ḥadīth 29) and Muslim (Book 18, ḥadīth 44)]

Wife taking the husband’s last name after marriage :

It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to take her husband’s name after marriage because that is attributing oneself to someone other than one’s father, and imitating the kuffaar from whom this custom was adopted.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever calls himself by other than his father’s name (or attributes himself to someone other than his father), will be cursed by Allaah, the angels and all the people.”

(Reported by Ibn Maajah, 2599; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 6104).

“Life of Muhammad ” by Imam Anwar Al Awlaki (may allah have mercy on him) in a ‪transcript format‬ !!

“Life of Muhammad ﷺ ”

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim scholar of Yemeni heritage born in New Mexico. He served as an Imam in California, and later in the Washington, D.C. area where he headed the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center and was also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University. In 2004 he returned to his native Yemen where he taught at Eman university until his arrest in mid 2006. Imam Anwar was released from custody on the 12th of December 2007 having spent a year and a half behind bars. Anwar Al Awlaki (May Allah accept him as shaheed) was an American and yemeni imam who was assassinated by U.S drone strike .

[Note : It was Transcribed by Sister Maria Iqbal and Javeria Aqeel till Medinan first period few years ago and now her colleagues are working on remaining parts .]

Download here ” Madeenan Period Part 1 “

“Life of Muhammad ﷺ ” Lecture Series by Imam Anwar Al Awlaki (may allah have mercy on him) in a ‪transcript format‬ !!

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim scholar of Yemeni heritage born in New Mexico. He served as an Imam in California, and later in the Washington, D.C. area where he headed the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center and was also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University. In 2004 he returned to his native Yemen where he taught at Eman university until his arrest in mid 2006. Imam Anwar was released from custody on the 12th of December 2007 having spent a year and a half behind bars. Anwar Al Awlaki (May Allah accept him as shaheed) was an American and yemeni imam who was assassinated by U.S drone strike .

[Note : It was Transcribed by Sister Maria Iqbal and Javeria Aqeel till Medinan first period few years ago and now her colleagues are working on remaining parts .]

Download here “Makkan Period “

How to Attain Happiness for your Wife and duties of the husband towards his wife‬

Excerpt from the book Jewels of Advice for the Husband & Wife based on the teachings of the Qur’an & Sunnah, which was written by Students of Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad based on his lectures.

The Prophet ( ﷺ) said: “The best of you is the one who is best to his wives, and I am the best of you toward my wives. ”

He ( ﷺ) also said: ‘No one is genuine towards women except the generous man and no one humiliates them except the one who is very rude. ”

The duties of the husband towards his wife:

1. Offering a beautiful reception when entering the home, like starting with the Islamic greeting ‘assalamu alykum’ with a cheerful smile,
shaking her hand and hugging her.

2. Using sweet and enchanting speech with her … making sure to take
care of her and making her feel special. Make your speech clear (repeat
yourself if necessary) and call her with the best of names she likes .

3. Despite your workload, create time for friendliness and recreation … it
was the practice of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ to befriend and spend time together with his wives, despite his workload and huge responsibilities.

4. Play games and distractions with each other … the hadith of the
prophet Muhammad ﷺ states: “All things in which there is no mention of Allah are frivolity, absent-mindedness, and idle play except for four things: A man being playful with his wife, training his horse, walking between two purposeful goals, and teaching another to swim.”

5. Assistance in the household … to participate and help your wife with
the household duties, like buying food, preparing food, cleaning and organizing the house, etc. This brings happiness to the wife and strengthens your love and relations together.

6. Consult her … the opinion of Umm Salamah during Sulah Al-Hudaybiyah is a well-known event. It was the method of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ to consult with his wives and friends.

7. Accompany the wife along whilst visiting relatives, friends, and people
of righteousness.

8. The manners of travel and leaving the wife behind … if you can’t take
her with you, offer her a warm farewell … leave her with sufficient means
and money. Ask trustworthy individuals to look after the needs of your
family in your absence … ask her to pray for you … be in touch with her
often … minimize your travel to what is necessary and bring her a gift
when you return. Try not to return at night or at an unexpected time.

9. Financial support … be generous in your household spending (within
financial capabilities). Good financial support (not wasteful) tends to stabilize marriages.

10. Good smelling and beautification … Allah is Beautiful and He
loves beauty and cleanliness. Always be clean, neat and adorn perfume.
Ibn Abbas (ra) said: ‘I love to beautify myself for my wife as much as I love her to beautify herself for me. ‘

11. Intercourse … it is the duty of the husband to suffice his wife with her
emotional and sexual needs and desires… perhaps once every time the
wife is pure but be considerate of her physical and physiological health.

12. Genuine care … the Muslim husband should be very caring and sentimental towards his wife. The wife goes through various physiological and psychological changes … she is in need of a cheerful smile and genuine care to wipe away her pain and her low feelings.

13. Guarding the privacy of marriage … it was narrated in the hadith of
Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudry that the prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Verily among the worst of people in status before Allah on the day of Resurrection is the man who goes to his wife and she comes to him for sex, and then he divulges her secrets (of the bed).”

14. Working together in the obedience of Allah: pray collectively together
and engage yourselves in activities of worship, like offering generous donations, ‘dhikr’ (remembrance of Allah), and praying at night ‘qiyam-ul-layl.’ The prophet Muhammad ﷺ says: “May the mercy of Allah be upon a man who wakes up at night to pray and wakes his wife up to pray with him, and if she refuses he splashes water into her face. ”

15. Show respect t your wife’s family and her friends.

16. Educate your wife about Islam and offer her your advice.

17. Admirable jealousy.

18. Patience and softness with the wife … control your anger and always
give her the benefit of the doubt, and advise her whenever she does

19. Forgiveness and appropriate criticism where applicable.

20. To be a genuine Muslim husband and to apply all of which you have
read and understood with wisdom.

(Facebook ID )